About Lori
10x! founder, Lori Michele Leavitt cares about business vibrancy and the vibrancy of leaders. A vibrant business stays ahead of the competition, commands its highest value, and is a great place to work. Vibrant leaders love what they do. They get clear about their vision, values and strategic objectives (“strategy”) and clearly communicate so that every person’s best work is aligned. Leaders inspire. They lead their organizations through Pivots and to performance breakthroughs.

Lori gave me the greatest gift I could ask for through her coaching; she coached me to believe in myself. As my self-awareness increased, my business has grown and attracted amazing people and opportunities.
I am bolder, and key stakeholders are listening. The 10x! meetings are meaningful and invigorating. Coaching sessions with Lori always leave me more at peace and sure of my next steps.
Lori Michele Leavitt creates an environment and assembles programming that succeeds every time. How does it succeed? By supporting business leaders in ways that are practical, thought provoking, challenging, and ripe for sharing and problem solving. I have greatly benefited…
Lori Leavitt is an experienced, knowledgeable resource for executive leaders. She has freely given of her time and expertise when I needed to float ideas and resolve challenges.
Learn more about Lori
Serving members, and more, with thought leadership and coaching

Lori Michele Leavitt, “The Pivot Catalyst”, has coached, consulted, and trained hundreds of leaders around the world to achieve their objectives and generate extraordinary momentum.

Founder & Author
Lori is founder and president of Abrige Corp., which offers the Aligned Momentum (A.M.)® leadership operating system to help managers lead better.
The 10x! group is an advanced peer group that offers the perfect environment to explore, problem solve, and achieve positive patterns that will enhance the future of any business. The collective wisdom from diverse thought leaders invigorates and fertilizes creativity and professional growth… It surpassed what I was looking for.
Lori’s 10x! group provided the opportunity to access a broader range of thought leaders and expand my perspective on high level business issues. It allowed me to step away from working in the business and think about how to work on the business.
Thought Leadership
We gain awareness and grow from thought leadership…from the 10x! leader and coach, members like you who are wise and growing, and outside thought leaders (TLs) who have depth in their area of expertise. And while TLs are often excellent speakers, they join us to share knowledge and conversation. A small sample of outside thought leaders who have joined us:

I have found the 10x group (Lori) leads tremendously helpful in connecting with other executive leaders, hearing about their struggles and receiving their collective advice on my own. The speakers Lori makes available to us through the 10x meetings have been top-notch, and the intimate size of the group has allowed for interesting conversation on relevant and current topics.
Lori does an amazing job bringing in incredible speakers covering a wide range of topics into a safe place for deep conversation. This is a powerful combination of attributes that makes the 10x! group a great investment of both time and money.